Heike Weld

Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Philosophin M.A.
Coach & Consultant

Internationale Erfahrung. Empathie. Nachhaltigkeit.


E-Mail: heike.weld@algarrother.com



  • Seit 2013: Beraterin im Rother‘s Team
  • Seit 1998: Beraterin bei Rother & Partner
  • 1993-1997: Trainerin im Bereich Methoden-
    und Sozialkompetenz
  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Fachbereich Kulturmanagement an der FernUniversität in Hagen
  • Mentorin für den Fachbereich Philosophie

Aus- und Weiterbildung

  • Studium der Germanistik und Philosophie,
  • Personalentwicklung, D.A.A.
    Systemische Familientherapeutin, Institut für Familientherapie, Weinheim
  • Gestalttherapeutische Beraterin, Institut Kontakte
  • Systemisch-lösungsorientiertes Coach,  NIK Consulting Berlin
  • Life and Career Coach, New York University
  • Feldenkrais Practitioner, Feldenkrais Institut New York
  • Lizensierung im Bereich Persönlichkeits- und Arbeitstypologien
  • Weiterbildung in Tanztherapie, Meditation und Fokusing

Akkreditierung und Lizenzierung:

  • Team Management System (TMS)
  • MBTI
  • Jungian Personality Profile (JPP)
  • Reiss-Profil

Beratungs- / Trainingsschwerpunkte

  • Coaching (Executives, Peergruppen und Teams)
  • Cross-Cultural und Transition Coaching für Expatriates und Auslandsrückkehrer
  • Begleitung von Change-Prozessen
  • Expertin für Führungskräfteentwicklung
  • Teambildung und -entwicklung
  • Feedback- und Konfliktlösungs-Workshops
  • Training von Internen Beratern

Über Heike Weld:

Heike Weld has been a trusted and impactful executive coach and systemic consultant for over 25 years working in association with individuals and organizations at all levels of management in Europe and the United States. Her areas of specialization are individual, peer and team coaching as well as leadership and team development, workshops for conflict resolution and organizational change processes.

In addition to a Master’s Degree in Philosophy and Literature, she has received a qualification in Human Resource Development. She is trained and qualified as a coach both in Germany (NIK Berlin) and in the United States (NYU). Furthermore, she has received a broad qualification in various therapeutic modalities like Familytherapy (IFW, DE) Gestalttherapie and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy (NYSEPH) as well as training in Focusing, Feldenkrais Method, NLP and Jungian Psychology.

Heike’s working style is systemic-solution focused and practical-experience oriented, the focus is on establishing a balance between organizational, and systemic objectives and individual needs. Heike’s combination of business and counseling background allows her to meet her clients where they are, to provide a safe and playful space where they can expand their perspective and utilize their inner potential while moving forward towards their goals.

Born in Germany, she moved to New York City in 2006. She is fluent both in English and German.

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