The W.E.R.T.-Model

The W.E.R.T.-Model is an occupation-oriented personality profile. It explains the differences between people in terms of their motivations and values in their working lives. It makes it possible to understand the basic patterns of and motives behind our behaviour. It encourages communication and cooperation between personalities with different motivation preferences, and ultimately their performance.

The W.E.R.T.-Model is an occupation-oriented personality profile. It explains the differences between people in terms of their motivations and values in their working lives. It makes it possible to understand the basic patterns of and motives behind our behaviour. It encourages communication and cooperation between personalities with different motivation preferences, and ultimately their performance.

The W.E.R.T.-Model is a concept for value-based leadership because it enables us to help people work with their intrinsic values and motives. We were honored with the “Internationalen Deutschen Trainingspreis”, the International German Training Award, in 2010.

The W.E.R.T.-Model is a concept for values-based leadership because it enables us to help people work with their intrinsic values and motives. We were honored with the “Internationalen Deutschen Trainingspreis”, the International German Training Award, in 2010.

The W.E.R.T.-Model helps you develop, anchor and change your corporate values in a practical way. The W.E.R.T.®-Model is effective on these three levels:

  • At the individual level in coaching
  • At team level in team development
  • At the organizational level in change management

Advantages of the W.E.R.T.-Model:

  • it is simple, easy employable, widely applicable and close to business personality profile
  • the response of your profile is clear-cut with clear distinctions
  • high acceptance and identification with the result (qualitative distinctions and no good /bad reviews)
  • inexpensive and easy to learn
  • proven in practice as a tool by consultants for consultants

You may receive a pattern profile from us at
You can also register for W.E.R.T. licensing here as well.

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