Julia Peters

Dipl.-Kauffrau (Diploma in Business)
Coach & Consultant

Openness. Empathy. Creativity.

Business experience

Seit 2013: Consultant and trainer at Rother & Partner, now Algar Rother Coaches & Consultants
2002-2011: Senior Product Manager, Proposition Manager, Head of Roaming Team Germany (Consumer Marketing); Consultant Management Development (HR)  (Vodafone D2 GmbH)
2000-2002: Product Manager (E-Plus Mobilfunk)
2000: Diploma thesis „Value chain in mobile commerce“ (Bertelsmann mediasystems )
1999-2000: SAP-Team (Introduction of SAP to  Bayer Chemicals): Business Process Reengineering, training development (Bayer AG)
1997-1999: Country Manager (Sales) Europe/ Scandinavia/ Africa/ Middle East (Bayer AG
1994-1997: Trainee „Wirtschaftsassistent“ (Bayer AG)

Education & qualification

  • Bachelor in political economy (Bonn)
  • Business Management Assistant, Marketing Specialist (Chamber of Commerce, Germany)
  • Diploma in business administration (FernUni Hagen), specialization in organisation & planning, marketing, industrial & organizational psychology
  • NLP – Practitioner
  • Advanced studies HR systemical consultancy
  • Systemical Business Coaching
  • Accreditation & certifications
    • TMS (Team Management System)
    • ZRM® (Zurich Resource Model)
    • W.E.R.T.®-model
    • Solution-oriented hypnosis

Consulting & training focus

  • Bachelor in political economy (Bonn)
  • Business Management Assistant, Marketing
  • Specialist (Chamber of Commerce, Germany)
  • Diploma in business administration (FernUni Hagen), specialization in organisation & planning, marketing, industrial & organizational psychology
  • NLP – Practitioner
  • Advanced studies HR systemical consultancy
  • Systemical Business Coaching

Extract of reference constumers

Branchen: Telekommunikation, Medien, Chemische Industrie


Algar Rother Coaches & Consultants
Kaethe-Kollwitz-Str. 42
D-76227 Karlsruhe


phone 0721 / 7540 22-0
fax 0721 / 7540 22-10
mail info@algarrother.com


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