Jan von Nida

Business Psychologist M.A.
Coach & Consultant

Business experience

Seit 2013: Consultant, trainer and coach at Algar Rother Coaches & Consultants
2007-2013: Consultant, trainer and coach at Rother & Partner
  • Experience in the IT industry as well as in the areas of leadership, management, personnel selection, personnel and organizational development and change management
  • Several years of experience as a department manager and team leader in the IT industry
  • Lectureships at various colleges

Education & qualification

  • Study of Economic Psychology, MA (specialized in industrial and organizational psychology, international business administration, human resource and organization development)
  • Accredited trainer and consultant for the Motive Structure Analysis (MSA)
  • Accredited TMS trainer and consultant
  • Officer of the “Bundeswehr” (IT sector)
  • Training and certification in the areas of management, consulting and training as well as organizational and human resource development

Consulting & training focus

  • Organizational and human resource development
  • Leadership development
  • Team development
  • Change management
  • Conflict management, project management, time management, communication and feedback
  • Business coaching
  • Personnel selection, personnel and aptitude testing (including assessment centers and potential analysis according to DIN 33430)
  • Evaluations of human resource development measures

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