Female Business Intelligence (FBI)

FBI – The network for top managers, scientists and experts


What is typically „feminine“ management? What distinguishes top managing women? In some aspects top managing women behave differently from men.

And they often take different paths to the top. Women also have other life priorities and must find their own ways to bring them into line with peak performance.

Female top managers, experts and scientists in touch with Algar Rother, executive director of Algar Rother Coaches & Consultants, were excited about the first meeting (in summer 2010) and about the chance to interact in a very personal environment to discuss such issues.

The desire was expressed to continue these meetings and to develop discussions on other topics related to professional life and culture, and so the Female Business Intelligence Network was founded. The Female Business Intelligence Network (FBI) currently has 25 participants who meet approximately four to five times a year.

  • FBI is not a workshop or seminar but an exchange of experience, mutual learning and an appreciative gathering of women in prominent positions.
  • The participants decide about the different topics themselves. For example: business in China, women in top-level research, women and career paths.
  • Meetings don’t just focus on success stories; difficulties and development stories are also welcome.
  • FBI is not an open network, but at the same time is not a „closed circle“
  • More circles in cities like Munich or Hamburg are planned.

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For further details please contact Susanne Dausch.