Dr. Andrea Thürmer-Leung

Social Scientist / Pedagogue
Coach & Consultant

Knowledge with heart and enthusiasm.

Business experience

  • Since 2013: Consultant and trainer at Rother‘s Team
  • Since 2008: Business owner and trainer in Germany
  • Principal instructor, lecturer and trainer
  • 20 years management experience in Hong Kong, China; responsible for education, curriculum development, human resources development, quality control, negotiations and project-management with Chinese business partners
  • 5 years in the hospitality business in Germany, South-Africa and USA

Education & qualification

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education with focus on adult education and English (Hong Kong University)
  • Master in Training (University of Leicester, UK)
  • Doctorate in Social Science with focus on China Business ( University of Leicester, UK)

Accreditation & licensing:

  • W.E.R.T. ®-Personality Profile

Consulting & training focus

  • Intercultural communication and training
  • Lectures, seminars and coach for China business
  • Negotiations and strategies in the China business


  • Dragon Business: How the traditional concept of ‚guanxi‘ works in modern day China (Doctorate thesis in the British Library)

About Dr. Andrea Thürmer Leung

Andrea was born in Swabia (Württemberg, Germany) and trained as a hotel/restaurant manageress in the Black Forest – Hotel Traube Tonbach. Afterwards, she planned to expand her professional knowledge abroad. She first spent 2 years in South Africa, then 1 year in New York City and later 20 years in Hong Kong, China.

She was always fascinated by the respective cultural differences and the international business dynamics. She was particularly attracted by a project of the Chinese government (Millennium Project), which she was allowed to accompany for 8 years. There she was able to experience Chinese communication and negotiation strategies live.

She also managed a team of about 50 Chinese employees and was responsible for quality control, HR development and project management. This experience inspired her to complete a Master’s degree in Training and a PhD in Social Sciences with a focus on Chinese business culture. She then returned to Germany in 2008 to share her experience and knowledge in intercultural seminars.

Her clients come from various industries that operate branches in China or have business contacts with Chinese people through Chinese investments in Germany.

Customer testimonials repeatedly mention the successful dovetailing of theory and practice and the real-life examples in the training, which then stick and enable successful learning.

As a trainer and consultant for Chinese business culture, Andrea stands for practical tips, insider knowledge and successful transfer.

Professional experience in the folllowing sectors

  • Suppliers of automotive transport and construction
  • Mechanical engineering industry
  • Suppliers of jewelry and electronics industries
  • Houshold applieances and products
  • textile industry
  • Hotel and catering industry
  • Technical colleges and chambers of commerce


  • Dragon Business: How the traditional concept of ‚guanxi‘ works in modern day China (Doctorate thesis in the British Library)
  • Business süß-sauer. Business Etikette für Deutsche und Chinesen (2014)