Algar Rother

Dipl.- Kauffrau (Diploma in economics and business administration)
Owner / Managing Partner,
Executive Coach & Consultant

Warmth. Clarity. Experience.
Harnessing the dynamics between leaders, teams and organisation.

Business experience

  • Since 2013: Founder & Managing Director of the Rother‘s Team
  • Since 2010: Initiator of the Top Management Circle FBI „Female Business Intelligence“
  • Since 2010: Lecturer at the University of Education in Weingarten, Department of Media and Education Management
  • 2006-2009: Chairwoman of an International Printing Company
  • 1996-2013: Founder & Managing Partner at Rother & Partner
  • 1991-1996: Business Consultant at IFAO AG

Education & qualification

  • Business Economic Studies, University Diploma
  • Assessor E.F.Q.M., European Foundation of Quality Management
  • Systemic Consulting & Coaching, NLP, Systemic & Family constellation work (DGfS)
  • Author and Licensor of the W.E.R.T.®-Model

Accreditation & Licensing :

Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Scrum Alliance®, Master Trainer Team Management Systems (TMS), Jungian Personality Profile (JPP),REISS Profil, MBTI, Motive Structure
Analysis (MSA®)

Consulting & training focus

  • Executive Sparring & Coaching (top management, entrepreneurs)
  • Leadership Team Journeys with strong business relation
  • Change Management / Agile Transitions
  • Future Leadership in dynamic settings
  • Broad Knowledge and Experience in the field of
    Human Resource Management & Global Organization Development

About Algar Rother

Algar is a passionate facilitator & coach. Her background is economics and her heart beats for the emotional side of the business: how leaders deal with their role in global constantly changing environments and how teams become high performing ones.

Having lived a lot of changes herself in her life, e.g. moving from Germany’s biggest city Berlin to a little town close to France, living today in Germany and Canada Algar loves working with divers international Teams and coachees. Facilitating change processes for their organizations is a major field of activity.

Her great sensitivity for human beings, knowing how our biography influences our present life makes her a very experienced motivating coach.

She is the mother of two, a son and a daughter in their twenties and also a real family person. Her great sense of humor, love for music that ernergizes her workshops, she guides from fun team exercises to also deep emotional feedback sessions.

Extract of reference customers