Algar Rother
Dipl.- Kauffrau (Diploma in economics and business administration)
Owner / Managing Partner,
Executive Coach & Consultant
Warmth. Clarity. Experience.
Harnessing the dynamics between leaders, teams and organisation.
Business experience
- Since 2013: Founder & Managing Director of the Rother‘s Team
- Since 2010: Initiator of the Top Management Circle FBI „Female Business Intelligence“
- Since 2010: Lecturer at the University of Education in Weingarten, Department of Media and Education Management
- 2006-2009: Chairwoman of an International Printing Company
- 1996-2013: Founder & Managing Partner at Rother & Partner
- 1991-1996: Business Consultant at IFAO AG
Education & qualification
- Business Economic Studies, University Diploma
- Assessor E.F.Q.M., European Foundation of Quality Management
- Systemic Consulting & Coaching, NLP, Systemic & Family constellation work (DGfS)
- Author and Licensor of the W.E.R.T.®-Model
Accreditation & Licensing :
Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Scrum Alliance®, Master Trainer Team Management Systems (TMS), Jungian Personality Profile (JPP),REISS Profil, MBTI, Motive Structure
Analysis (MSA®)
Consulting & training focus
- Executive Sparring & Coaching (top management, entrepreneurs)
- Leadership Team Journeys with strong business relation
- Change Management / Agile Transitions
- Future Leadership in dynamic settings
- Broad Knowledge and Experience in the field of
Human Resource Management & Global Organization Development
About Algar Rother
Algar is a passionate facilitator & coach. Her background is economics and her heart beats for the emotional side of the business: how leaders deal with their role in global constantly changing environments and how teams become high performing ones.
Having lived a lot of changes herself in her life, e.g. moving from Germany’s biggest city Berlin to a little town close to France, living today in Germany and Canada Algar loves working with divers international Teams and coachees. Facilitating change processes for their organizations is a major field of activity.
Her great sensitivity for human beings, knowing how our biography influences our present life makes her a very experienced motivating coach.
She is the mother of two, a son and a daughter in their twenties and also a real family person. Her great sense of humor, love for music that ernergizes her workshops, she guides from fun team exercises to also deep emotional feedback sessions.